Why Publish a Book: 17 Reasons Why Every Vegan Should Write and Publish a Book

Vegan eBooks Take Over the Internet and Amazon Kindle
Lots of people feel that they have a message they want to share with the world by publishing a book, but never do anything about it.

As vegans, we are doing ourselves, our audience, the world, and of course, the animals, a disservice if we are not getting the message of ethical vegan lifestyle out in the world in a big way.

One of the best ways to do that is by writing and publishing a book.

In the past, it used to be really hard to get published. Today, opportunities are practically endless. There is really no excuse not to do it.

Now, I won’t be talking about going the traditional route: finding a publisher, getting your book printed, and sold in local bookstores—although that would certainly be wonderful, and who knows—it may happen, too, if that’s your goal.

However, right now, I’ll be talking about simply publishing your book on Amazon Kindle and other e-publishing websites.

This is super easy (or, at least, not as difficult as you probably think ;-))

Especially if you are a blogger and already have a website filled with insightful blog posts, delightful recipes, photographs and other content.

And even if you don’t, it’s not as difficult as it may seem to create it—you just have to decide that you are going to do it and go for it. Find out how….

15+ Topic Ideas for Your eBook: Beyond Vegan Recipes

In the previous post, I wrote some tips on writing a vegan recipe book. However, I realize that many of you may be thinking: “But I don’t want to write a vegan recipe book!” Let’s say cooking or writing about food isn’t really your thing....