How to Write & Publish Your Ebook in 6 Weeks or Less Course

Green-signup-book-Button-1024x341How to Write Your Ebook in 6 Weeks or Less Interactive Course
– Sign Up TODAY!

Wanted: Vegan Bloggers, Authors, Coaches, Recipe Creators, or Individuals with a passion who want to share their story, while spreading the message of ethical vegan lifestyle!

Sign up for this course on “how to write and successfully publish an ebook, in 6 weeks or less,” that will teach you how to choose an audience and a topic (you don’t have to write another vegan recipe book, unless you really want to), tell your story, write and publish your ebook on Amazon Kindle, and how to profit from it (and if you currently have a blog, I’ll teach you how to organize your blog content into a successful publication).

Writing ebooks, creating e-courses, will allow you to get much more leverage, and to plant MORE seeds of veganism using online marketing tools & techniques and start making money in the process, so that you can keep making even a bigger difference for the animals with the resources that you acquire.

Information products are SUPER HOT right now. Ebook and ecourse sales are exploding. There are people who are making millions online just selling their knowledge and telling their stories to audiences that are eager to hear what they have to say, and that could be YOU!


Just in case you are thinking–this is not for me, I could never write and publish a book, or even if I did no one would buy it — let me assure you, that to be a successful author you don’t need to be the next Dostoyevsky, and the knowledge you’ll need is NOT rocket science.

I believe that today, we have an unprecedented opportunity–and MORAL OBLIGATION, that was not here even 10 or 20 years ago, to spread our message and reach new audiences on the GLOBAL, MASSIVE SCALE.

It’s called the Internet.

Any chance that we will achieve what we want to achieve–a VEGAN WORLD–depends on spreading our message and growing our movement—and not just a little at a time, but A LOT.

What do I mean by a lot? I don’t mean hundreds, or thousands, or tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of new people embracing vegan lifestyle.

I don’t even mean hundreds of millions.

No, what I mean by a lot is billions and billions.

Only if the day comes when billions and billions of people believe in and practice the ideals that define veganism — only then will we have a realistic hope of achieving what we want to achieve.

Now, different people can have different reactions to the enormity of the challenge we face.

Once this challenge is drawn in terms of real (and very large) numbers, some of you may say, “The situation is hopeless!” Some will even go further and say, “The situation is so hopeless that I am throwing in the towel—giving-up—abandoning the cause.”

And some of you will decide that it’s time to STOP PLAYING SMALL and STEP UP OUR GAME.

This means writing books, creating courses, building email lists, spreading the message across multiple social media profiles, to reach a global audience, while creating abundance for yourself, so that you can keep building an even bigger platform, and reaching more people.

That’s why I invite you to join me by signing up for Book writing Course that begins on April 27th, 2015 where I’ll guide you through the entire book creation and publishing process at discount of over 60% OFF the regular price for only $97 (regular price $297).


BONUS OFFER: The first 10 people who sign up will also get their eBook formatted for Kindle and other devices for FREE.

How to Write & Publish Your eBook
Course Curriculum

What will be covered:

Ebook publishing is HOT and it’s going to get even hotter, as more and more people are switching from print to e-readers. In the first module, we’ll be covering how to become a published author! It’s not as difficult as you may think.

I’ll break down the process of ebook writing, editing and publishing, from idea to published product. I’ll guide step by step how to write, edit, publish and promote an ebook on Amazon Kindle, and start reaching hundreds or thousands of people instantly.

Here is what you will find out:

  • Why ebooks are HOT and how to publish your first book. Why there has never been a better time to publish a book, even if you’re not an accomplished writer.
  • Why you should publish a book, even if you have a blog. Three top reasons why ebook publishing is better than writing a blog. The good news, you probably have most of the content for the book already written!
  • How to choose your topic that will inspire you to create truly great content that people will love to read. PLUS, what are my top three criteria to evaluate the topic for best long term results.
  • Don’t like to write? That’s OK! I have that covered, too. You’ll discover how to write and publish a book even if you HATE to write or believe you’re not good at it. You’ll learn my top 3 shortcuts to create high quality content that your audience will LOVE, without having to write it all by yourself.
  • Convert Your Blog To Kindle. If you already have a blog or website, you probably already have lots of great content that you can use for your ebook. I’ll teach you how to choose and organize the content, how to format it, and get it published on Amazon.
  • Tips on writing and publishing a Vegan Recipe Book with Recipe Writing Cheat Sheet. Tips on how to position your book for optimal sales and benefits.
  • But I don’t want to write a vegan recipe book! You don’t have to create another recipe site if you don’t want to. There are plenty of ways to promote compassionate lifestyle while writing about other topics. I’ll cover what are the best niches & genres for vegans, and what to do if none of these seem appealing.
  • The importance of telling your story and personal experience.
  • Best sources of quality pictures and graphics, free or low cost.
  • Coming Up With A Must-Click Title For Your Book.
  • Designing A Book Cover That Attracts Clicks.
  • Editing, Proof-Reading & Formatting Your Book.
  • Getting Reviews That Make People Want To Buy Your Book.
  • Pricing strategies. How much should your book cost?
  • How to promote your book for success.
  • Get your first readers. Where to find loyal readers and how to keep them with the power of communication.
  • Why stop at one, when you can be writing a series. Find out why it’s a good idea to write more than one book and how to map out your entire publishing calendar, even if you haven’t even written your first book yet.
  • How to OUTSOURCE tasks that you don’t like, or even the whole book, and get it done for much less than you think.
  • And much, much more…

This is a hands-on course, where you’ll be writing your book as we go along. All modules are hands-on, meaning I’ll be giving you strategies and homework to complete after each module, so at the end of the course, you’ll have concrete published book to show for it.

Whether you have one hour per day, per week or per month, with the right tools you could probably do much more that you are currently doing — you’d really be surprised!

I invite you to join me by signing up for Book writing Course where I’ll guide you through the entire book creation and publishing process at discount of over 60% OFF the regular price for JUST $97 (regular price $297).


BONUS OFFER: The first 10 people who sign up will also get their eBook formatted for Kindle and other devices for FREE.



PS. You may be wondering who I am – so here are some basic facts about me.

AsiaFB1My name is Joanna Slodownik, and I’m a blogger, author, web designer, online marketer, and a vegan online success coach on a mission to help vegans (you!) use the power of online technology and business building strategies to take our online presence and activism to the next level, while also helping you make more money.

I strongly believe that by building a MASSIVE PLATFORM online for positive change (and profits), including creating websites, exploding social media presence, writing and publishing e-books, creating information products, e-courses, newsletters, webinars, podcasts, and membership sites; as well as using various business building strategies, we can create more LEVERAGE, build more MOMENTUM, and start taking our MESSAGE out to the world in a BIG WAY to make a bigger difference for the animals, while living the ethical lifestyle that we want.

I’ve been online for over five years now. During this time I’ve been building websites, creating information products, writing ebooks, as well as providing web design and social media promotion services for authors, small businesses, and professionals. I run several websites and social pages about health and nutrition, that attract thousands of visitors each month. I have written, published and sold several books, some of them I sold via my websites, some of them are available on Amazon Kindle. I want to share with you what I learned over the years, what works and what doesn’t, based on my experience, as well as experience of others in expert interview series.  I hope you join me!

 Yes, Joanna, I want to become a published author and make money from my eBook!