On Limiting Beliefs and Scarcity: Is There Really No Money in Veganism?

There is this image comes to mind when people think about an activist, and an animal rights activist in particular. Namely they think of activists as being angry and bitter individuals, who often use aggression or sneaky methods to call attention to the problems that they are trying to solve. Even vegans themselves perpetuate this stereotype. Vegans often argue among themselves, accusing one another of not being pure enough or ethical enough. Vegan police is a term that frequently comes up in...

The Importance of Creating LEVERAGE and Being STRATEGIC in Order to Reach More People Quickly

A funny situation happened to me a while ago when ordering sandwich at a popular sandwich chain. At the counter, I specified that I wanted my sandwich to be "no cheese, no meat, vegan," (or something to this effect, I don't remember my exact words). When I received the sandwich, I was a bit surprised that it didn't have any dressing in it. It turned out the person taking the order understood "no meat, no cheese, (no) vinegar." Obviously he was not familiar with the word "vegan" and thought I...

How to Make a Photo Collage Online For Free: See How I’m Making Picture Collage for Pinterest in 10 Minutes or Less

I'm sure you've seen them before. Those pins that seem to keep going forever. If you spend any time on Pinterest, you may have noticed that photo collages on Pinterest are getting longer and longer. I've been checking the sizes of some popular Pins and the largest one I found had 30 photos and 554 x 9429 pixels, I kid you not! And I'm sure you can find even taller ones, if you search long enough. Photo collages can be very useful for recipes, as you can explain step-by-step how the recipe...