I’m sure you’ve seen them before. Those pins that seem to keep going forever.

If you spend any time on Pinterest, you may have noticed that photo collages on Pinterest are getting longer and longer.

I’ve been checking the sizes of some popular Pins and the largest one I found had 30 photos and 554 x 9429 pixels, I kid you not! And I’m sure you can find even taller ones, if you search long enough.

Photo collages can be very useful for recipes, as you can explain step-by-step how the recipe progresses. Most people like photo-tutorials, as they are easier to follow.

But how do you create a 500 x 5429 collage with about 20 photos, without spending a couple of hours on the task?


I mean, it’s time consuming enough that you have to make the recipe, take the pictures, edit them and write the post.

(You also need to do some keyword research, make sure you optimize the post for the search engines, and interlink the post with other relevant pages on your site, and you will find more information about this here.)

How to Make a Photo Collage Online For Free

Up until now, I’ve been only using Photoshop for my photo-editing needs, and the way I’ve been doing it so far, it certainly takes a lot of time to put together a decent collage. Photoshop is a great tool, it’s something I’ve been using for years and I love all the features and the flexibility that it offers. But that flexibility comes at a price. And I’m not just talking about how expensive it is (you can now get all Adobe products on a subscription basis, but that still means you’ll be paying at least $20 per month). What I mean is that some tasks are really more complicated than they should be, taking too much time, in my opinion.

So I did a little bit of research, and I’ve discovered the whole new world of fun photo editing tools that came into being in the past few years, that let you do almost anything you want quickly and for free. I will be writing more about these tools in my future posts on this blog (such as this iPiccy tutotial), but today I want to tell you how to create a super-tall photo collage for your recipe site that has great pinning potential.

And it takes less than 15 minutes, I promise. Once you do it once or twice, it should not take you more than 5 minutes, start to finish.

Here is a photo collage I created this morning (I may have gone too far with the color effects, but I was having so much fun!):


The wonderful tool I used was Picmonkey.com. I love it!

It only takes a few steps to put even a largest collage together, provided you have the pictures ready.

See How I’m Making Picture Collage for Pinterest in 10 Minutes or Less

Here are the steps you need to take.

1. Go to Picmonkey.com and choose “create a collage”.


2. Set the desired collage size (on the bottom) and click “Open” to upload files from your computer.


3. Insert the photos one by one into the collage. (Don’t worry about the preset layouts, Picmonkey allows you to just drag and drop photos into the desired spots).


4. Leave the background white, or change it to a different color. Use the color picker, to pick the color from your photos. You can also adjust the spacing between the photos.


5. Save your masterpiece and you are done!


Or not ;-).

6. You can now open your collage in the editor (you have to go back to the home page and chose “Edit”, open the final collage again) and have some fun with special effects. You’ll be able to add text, comic bubbles, picture frames, etc.


To make it easy for people to pin your creation on Pinterest, I use “Pinterest Pin It Button For Images” plugin from WordPress.org.

Enjoy and let me know what you created!