Joanna Slodownik

Online Marketer for Change

Book Author of Fiction and Non-Fiction for Kids and Adults

Green Smoothie Addict, Vegan for the Animals,, My books on Amazon

Autorka Książek, Blogerka, Weganka, Marketerka

If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

Are You an Activist? Start Building an Email List TODAY!

You may be wondering: “Why do I need an email list? I’m just an activist. I'm already on social media; I’m constantly interacting with my followers. I don’t want to be doing email newsletters and stuff!” I hear you. I don’t like email marketing that much either. But here is the thing. All these social pages you’ve spent so much time setting up and updating? They are not yours. They may disappear from the face of the Internet any time – and you won’t be able to do anything about it – not even...

The World Needs YOU!

The world needs YOU. You have ideas that the world needs to hear about. You know things that others are ignorant about. You notice things that others are unaware of. You care about things that others think are unimportant, or simply they are too lazy or too busy or too … whatever to take the time to explore. You see things the way no one else sees them – understanding things the way only you can understand them, feeling them the way only you can, with your unique combination of strengths, and...

On Becoming a Changemaker: Why Being a Change Is Not Enough

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead Changemaker (n) – A term coined by the social entrepreneurship organization, Ashoka, meaning one who desires change in the world and by gathering knowledge and resources, makes that change happen. ---Being a Change versus Leading the Change Do you want to see a change in the world? Probably, yes, as most of us do; but if so, are you working...

Where do writers get their inspiration?

9 Things to that Inspired Eat, Love, Vegan, Recipes for Love and Life. Where do writers get their inspiration? I don’t know, as I can’t speak for all the writers. But I can tell you that mine usually comes from my own life, as well as from my desire to make the world a better place. It is my deep belief that by changing the stories we tell ourselves, we can start changing our thoughts, beliefs and ultimately our actions, and the books I write reflect that. Some may accuse me of being preachy...

The Silent Cry

"The Silent Cry” by Joanna Slodownik, inspired by “The Great Silence” by Ted Chiang Christmas has its share of outlandish legends and traditions, such as gravity-defying reindeer, Santa Claus sneaking through chimneys to deliver presents to those who were good, or the belief that at midnight on Christmas Eve, animals gain the power of speech. That last legend — common in Eastern and Central Europe where I come from — refers to farm animals and household pets alike and stems from the belief...

Building a Successful Vegan Recipe Website

Lots of people are searching for recipes online. Everybody has to eat, and we do it several times a day. Changing our diet is probably the highest impact activity that we can do to improve our health, positively impact the environment, and become a more ethical human being. Maybe they are planning...